Research Computing
IT’s Research Computing (RC) team works to identify research needs across the university and aims to provide comprehensive and innovative services and infrastructure to further research and meet our vision set by the Mines@150 strategic plan.
CyberInfrastructure and Advanced Research Computing
IT’s Research Computing (RC) team works to identify research needs across the university and aims to provide comprehensive and innovative services and infrastructure to further research and meet our vision set by the Mines@150 strategic plan.
What We Do
High Performance Computing
- Inspire Mines’ HPC research community with leading edge resources, innovations and knowledgeable and experience staff
- Facilitate Mines’ research to be as productive and efficient as possible
- Provide HPC Education and Outreach for current and future researchers at Mines to leverage computing to their fullest extent
- Facilitate data management and workflow assistance to researchers at Mines
- Provide large-scale storage infrastructure, eg. Orebits Storage Platform
- Enable 10GB file-transfer through grid-FTP using Globus connection service.
Scientific Visualization
- Develop visualization workflows including animation and movie development support
- Expand HPC visualization interfaces and software support for post-processing large datasets
- Provide consultation services to accessing post-processing software for testing and development
Upcoming Services
Edgar Mine
The Research Support Services group, funded by NSF award #1925747, will architect and deploy state-of-the-art cyberinfrastructure for Mines’ Edgar Experimental Mine. You can learn more about this initiative here.
The HPC group at Mines is regularly holding workshops to better help you conduct your research. We have run workshops on Python for HPC, but plan to expand to cover topics such as MPI, parallel and CUDA programming, and advanced job workflows. You can see more details on the Workshops page.
Open OnDemand
Open OnDemand is an easy-to-use scientific gateway service for web access to HPC’s, allowing easy deployment of graphical applications such as Matlab, Jupyter Notebooks and more. Learn more here. Coming soon to both our Wendian and Mio HPC systems.
Featured Services
The OreBits Storage Platform is an on-premise storage appliance hosted by IT, and was created to accommodate larger data storage needs at Mines.
Globus lets you efficiently, securely, and reliably transfer data directly between systems separated by an office wall or an ocean.
Want to learn more or have a question about data management, parallel computing workflows or research computing resources? We’re here to help.
Research COmputing Team

Matthew Ketterling 📧
Sr. Director of Infrastructure & Research Computing Solutions

Kira Wells 📧
Manager of Research Infrastructure

Mike Robbert 📧
Systems Administrator & Cyberinfrastructure Support

Dr. Richard Gilmore 📧
Visualization Engineer

Dr. Nicholas Danes 📧
Computational Scientist

Matthew Brookover 📧
Solutions Architect